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The Beautiful Cassandra by Jane Austen \ Little Black Classics


The Beautiful Cassandra by Jane Austen ~Goodreads~
Published by Penguin 2015
Paperback edition 62 pages ~Book Depository~

A selection of Austen's dark and hilarious early writings- featuring murder, drunkenness, perjury, theft, poisoning, women breaking out of prison, men forging wills and babies biting off their mothers' fingers...

Here we have a collection of letters and short stories intended to be read by Jane's family, and were written early on in Jane's life. Reading these made me feel part of a small circle of friends, like Jane's own friendship group as there's a feeling of something quite personal as you read them. 

These stories are full of love, scandal, and written in the gossiping witty way that Jane is so famous for. The way she makes fun of characters she doesn't take a liking to and the emphasis on those that she perhaps looks up to, and aims to be like when she grows into adulthood.

For a young writer they reflect her intelligence and the childlike cheeky behaviour when children may touch on these subjects.

I found them all to be rather amusing and fun to read, if you love Jane's novels then these will bring a smile to your face!

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